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Godly Men Conference-“Heart Matters” – August 18-19, 2017

On August 18-19 we will have our 4th Annual Godly Men Conference.  It is a special time for us men to be challenged and encouraged to be more like Jesus.  The theme for this year is “Heart Matters”.  Our theme verse is Proverbs 4:13-“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”  We are looking forward to Dr. Mark Smith being with us once again as the main speaker. Each year Bro. Smith has brought truths from God’s Word that has challenged men to live more Christ-like and to be the Godly leaders that God intended, whether in the home, on the job, or wherever life takes them. This year will be no exception. We begin Friday evening, Aug.18 at 6-9 PM. (Refreshments will be available at 5:30 PM).  Bro. Smith will be our main speaker. We will also have some brief teaching sessions taught by some of the men of Calvary Baptist Church on practical areas that affect our personal lives and families.  “Heart Matters” in marriage, child rearing, the work place, our finances, thought life, and technology are some of the topics to be covered. August 19, Saturday morning sessions are 9 AM – 12 PM with a continental breakfast served at 8:30 AM. We will close out our conference Saturday afternoon with a men and boys cookout and some fun activities!  All men and boys are welcome. (Dads, use your  judgement for the preaching/teaching sessions as there may be some mature topics addressed.) Please RSVP to Calvary Baptist Church 662-622-5136 and leave a message if you plan to attend. Looking forward to seeing you there! You will surely receive a blessing for coming!

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